Au… Gold

So my oldest son had to make a costume for the element of Gold. Don’t ask me what the hell that means but we had to brainstorm so my son could dress up like a little gold nugget.

So we all brainstormed and decided he could decorate a shirt to look like a jersey and then he could sport the jersey with the gold element.

I bought the kid a yellow shirt from Michael’s and some fabric markers. I bought him a yellow shirt because gold is yellow. He proceeded to color the yellow shirt with the yellow marker. That was the whole reason I got a yellow shirt so he didn’t have to color. I will never get those ten minutes of my life back. 🤦‍♀️

Let’s Talk About Your Butt

“Mommy, what does your anus mean?” -Nicholas

“Well, it depends on how you use it. If you say, ‘you’re an anus,’ then that wouldn’t be nice. But if you said, ‘I have an anus,’ you wouldn’t be wrong. It is your butt hole.” -me

“Haha, that is what I thought.” -Nicholas

“Where do you hear these words?” -me

“Oh, at school there is a cup that has a picture and says your anus.” -Nicholas

“Oh God! Oh God! You mean Uranus!” -me

Giant parental fail. I just taught my son a new word.

Until next time,
