F is for Fall… and Flub

There is nothing like fall. The warm sunshine on my face, the leaves crunching under my feet and the sweet sound of my son chasing me with his bike…

‘Let’s go! Run!’ -Nicholas

‘I don’t run.’ -me

‘You need to run! Don’t you want to get all of your flub out? Don’t you want to be skinny?!’ -Nicholas

‘I don’t run. I like walking.’ -me

‘Oh yeah? Well everytime you don’t run, I will run over you with my bike!’ -Nicholas

Yup, the sweet sounds of fall.

Until next time,

Give me some pumpkin spice and a new trainer.


So every Sunday we go to church. We are Catholic so naturally I was born with the Catholic guilt. Of course, now that I have kids, that Catholic guilt only intensifies about raising my kids to be good, little Catholics.

At the Eucharist portion of the mass yesterday, my ten year old, Vincent, just started whining about going home. And you think that is bad enough but the whining stopped being words and started just being unidentifiable noise because the kid was speaking no words. He must have been struck by the Holy Spirit because he was whining in tongues.

Then my middle son, Nicholas, is asking me why we believe ‘this stuff.’ And as I am looking at him to see what I possibly could have done wrong with this child he starts with asking why we are there. So I said to him that ‘if we don’t get our stuff together the whole family is going to hell.’

At that point, I would have been scared straight, but not Nicholas. He looks me directly in my deep, brown eyes and says, ‘yeah what if heaven and hell aren’t real?’ Well, I was shocked and then I said ‘well, I don’t want to find out. And I don’t want to go to hell.’ And then he says, ‘when we die, it is probably just a blank screen and that’s it.’

Wtf did I do to this kid? Talk about being cheerful.

Until next time,

Sorry Jesus