I Just Pooped on Your Parade.

I am writing this because I am pissed. Some asshole is letting their dog(s) poop on our sidewalk and our lawn. I am about one step away from dressing in fatigues and dowsing myself in Bambi urine to seek out this mother fucker.

I understand dogs have to crap but why would you be so blantly rude and disrespectful to other people in your community? With all the hate going on in the world, couldn’t you find it in your heart to clean up your dog shit?

Here is a short list of what I will be doing to catch this mf’er.

1) I will ring your doorbell and I will throw the poop at your face when you open the door. Ding dong motherfucker.

Until next time,

I will leave you this nice note but next time it is game on. I am cranky and you just made me into a cranky bitch.

What The Fuck
What The Hell
You’re An Asshole
You’re A Mother Fucking Asshole

I am Slipping.

I feel like I am slipping. There is no one here to catch me because no one knows.

I feel like I am slipping. My head is filled with hateful thoughts that I feel like I can’t control.

I feel like I am slipping and I feel like I will never truly have a grip on this life.

I feel like I am slipping into a far off but familiar territory.

I feel like I am slipping and I haven’t been in this place for some time.

I feel like I am slipping and no amount of medication will balance me out.

I feel like I am slipping and I don’t want to do anything or be with anybody.

I feel like I am slipping and it hurts to even move or think.

I feel like I am slipping and it is so far to rock bottom.

I feel like I am slipping and you just need to let me fall.

I feel like I am slipping and I can see your hand try to reach for me now that you know.

I feel like I am slipping from your grip and I can feel myself plummet to the bottom below.

I feel like I am slipping and I have to climb these walls on my own. You can’t help me here because I am too far gone.

Until next time,
