Excuse Me. I am Clearly Not a Scientist.

So Vincent asked me why his soda can popped and fizzled when he opened it. So of course, I tried to answer his question in the clearest way possible.

“Ok. Umm, ok. Soooo, you know how soda has bubbles in it and then you ran with your soda and the bubbles needed to go somewhere… right?” -me

“Uh-huh…” -Vincent 

“Ok. Ok. You know when you have to fart and then you hold it in and your stomach hurts? But your fart needs to go somewhere right?” -me

“Uh, yeah.” -Vincent 

“Well, that’s like your soda. A fart in your belly and then you let it come out and the bubbles in the soda are like a fart and that’s why it bubbled and fizzled because when you opened it, it had a place to go. Like when you fart.” -me

“Oh. Ok.” -Vincent 

Until next time,

Go ask your dad who is a chemical engineer because your mom just compared a soda to a fart.