Our Trip to Philly.

So our kids have lived in this area for their whole lives and we have never taken them to Philadelphia, even though my husband and I are from that area.

So today we took them to see Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. We wanted to stop at Redding Terminal Market but ran out of time. Maybe next time… if there is a next time.

Emily loved the trip and all the history… the boys, not so much. Here are some highlights from our trip:

1) We parked in the parking garage and had to take the elevator. Not because we had to but because our kids wanted to. It was a clear glass elevator to the visitor center and they were overly excited about this. You would have thought we were at the local amusement park.

2) The boys complained the whole time and didn’t want to read anything. Then Vincent would argue with Emily about what the artifact was even though he didn’t read it. Which was awesome because there were a lot of artifacts argued about.

3) I tried to get Vincent excited about reading the exhibits and said, ‘well, read it. It’s about slavery. You like slavery.’ And then he screamed back at me, in a roomful of people, that he didn’t like slavery. Lol, I didn’t mean you like like slavery. Just that you like learning about it. 🙄

4) While we were waiting in line for the Independence Hall tour, Nicholas, who is eleven and 77 lbs, wanted me to pick him up. Umm, no. Then Emily wanted to be picked up and she weighs more. Finally I looked at them and told them that I can barely workout with the 3 lb weights in the basement. They didn’t see how this was a direct correlation to me not being able to pick them up anymore.

5) While in line, the kids started hitting each other… playfully of course. Then I look over to correct them and realized my husband is my fourth kid because he was smacking the kids around.

6) While still in line, the kids, minus my husband, were chasing pigeons and squirrels. When we called them back to line, Emily stated that there was a big, fat squirrel that she wanted to feed. I told her maybe next time and she said, ‘well, I did throw him an acorn that accidentally hit him in the head.’ Awesome.

7) While on the tour, Vincent kept poking his brother and sister. It was incredibly distracting and everytime I corrected him, he claimed he wasn’t doing anything. I literally saw you… with both eyes.

8) When we finally got to the Senate, the tour guide was handing out like Civil War trading cards. Nicholas started yelling that he wanted the great president, Benjamin Franklin. Thanks Charter education!

9) Vincent ended up with James Madison, which he kept telling me was George Washington because they looked alike.

10) Their favorite part was taking the elevator back to the car. I have never seen so much happiness riding an elevator one floor down.

Until next time,

Benjamin Franklin is on the $100 bill, so according to the boys, he was the 100th president.